With a background in UI/UX design, project management, and entrepreneurship, I've got a unique blend of skills and experience. This mix lets me tackle business development from all sorts of angles. Always excited to connect and create awesome stuff together!






Jul 21, 2024

Colin Yurcisin's Case Study: $50K in Debt to Multi-millioniear by 25 with Keyweemotion


In the world of entrepreneurship, success is often born out of adversity. This was certainly the case for Colin Yurcisin, a determined entrepreneur who found himself $50k in debt. Undeterred by his financial situation, Colin embarked on a journey to build his personal brand and carve out his niche in the world of credit repair. This case study explores how our strategic partnership with Colin helped him transform from a debt-ridden individual to a multi-millionaire, showcasing the power of digital tools and relentless determination.

Challenges & Solutions

Like all heroes, Colin Yurcisin had his share of challenges. When he started his journey to create his own brand, he was dealing with money problems. He faced many difficulties that put him and our partnership to the test.

One of the earliest challenges was the lack of a clear direction. Colin had the drive and the ambition, but he was unsure of the path he wanted to tread. This is where we stepped in, helping him navigate the vast digital landscape. I worked closely with Colin, understanding his strengths and interests, and helped him carve out a niche in credit repair. We crafted a consistent and compelling narrative for his brand, which resonated with his growing audience.

As Colin's brand began to take shape, the next hurdle was building an audience. In the digital world, content is king, and we were the kingmakers. I helped Colin create engaging and informative content for his Instagram, from eye-catching graphics to animated outros.

The launch of "Credit Class", Colin's first online product, was a significant milestone but not without its challenges. It required careful planning, development, and marketing. We were by Colin's side every step of the way, creating promotional materials like logos, banners, and videos that encapsulated the essence of "Credit Class". Our designs not only caught the eye but also effectively communicated the value of Colin's course. Colin opened and closed Credit Class multiple times to get more eyes on it and have more people inside the course, the whole process was a bless for us to be able to help him close more sales!

Personalizing Engagement: The Power of Custom GIFs in Colin Yurcisin's Brand Journey

As Colin Yurcisin's personal brand started to gain traction, he was looking for innovative ways to engage with his growing audience on Instagram. He wanted to add a personal touch to his Instagram stories that would make his content more engaging and relatable. However, he lacked the digital expertise to create personalized content that would resonate with his audience and enhance his brand identity.

Recognizing the power of personalized GIFs in enhancing brand identity and audience engagement, Keyweemotion stepped in to provide a unique solution. We created a whole library of custom GIFs for Colin, each one tailored to reflect his brand and resonate with his audience.

These GIFs added a fun and personal touch to Colin's Instagram stories, making his content more engaging and relatable. They also helped to enhance his brand identity, making his content instantly recognizable to his audience.

The custom GIFs were a hit with Colin's audience, leading to increased engagement on his Instagram stories. They also helped to strengthen his brand identity, contributing to the overall growth of his personal brand. Today, Colin continues to use these custom GIFs in his Instagram stories, demonstrating the lasting impact of this innovative solution.

This experience illustrates Keyweemotion's commitment to providing innovative solutions that meet our clients' unique needs and help them engage with their audience in meaningful ways.

Expanding Digital Horizons: The Launch of Colin Yurcisin's YouTube Channel with Keyweemotion

In September 2020, Colin Yurcisin decided to expand his digital presence by creating a YouTube channel. He recognized the platform's potential for reaching a larger audience and providing more in-depth content. However, he faced the challenge of creating engaging, high-quality videos that would attract viewers and encourage them to subscribe to his channel. He needed a team that could not only produce these videos but also understand his brand and the message he wanted to convey.

Keyweemotion, with its expertise in content creation and deep understanding of Colin's brand, was the perfect fit for this task. We began by understanding Colin's vision for his YouTube channel and the type of content he wanted to create.

We then started producing high-quality videos that were in line with Colin's brand and resonated with his target audience. The videos ranged from in-depth discussions on credit repair to lifestyle content that showcased Colin's travels and experiences.

The launch of Colin's YouTube channel was a success. The high-quality, engaging videos attracted a substantial number of viewers and led to a steady increase in subscribers. The content resonated with viewers, leading to positive feedback and increased engagement.

The YouTube channel has since become a key part of Colin's digital presence, allowing him to reach a larger audience and provide more in-depth content.

Colin's decision to share daily news on Bitcoin on his YouTube channel was a bold move, but it came with its own set of challenges. The demand for quick turnaround times put pressure on our team. However, we rose to the occasion, streamlining our workflows and burning the midnight oil to ensure that the videos were edited and ready to go live the same day.

When Colin decided to shift his focus to YouTube, we had to recalibrate our strategy. Creating content for YouTube required a different approach compared to Instagram. We helped Colin make this transition smoothly, creating high-quality videos that not only informed but also entertained, helping him grow his YouTube audience.

From Bitcoin Enthusiast to Podcast Host: Colin Yurcisin's Journey

In 2021, Colin Yurcisin decided to venture into the world of podcasting with "The Colin Yurcisin Show", focusing on Bitcoin and featuring guests related to the field. He recognized the growing popularity of podcasts and saw it as an opportunity to connect with his audience on a deeper level. However, starting a podcast involves more than just recording conversations. It requires careful planning, high-quality production, and effective promotion to reach listeners. Colin needed a team that could handle these aspects while understanding his brand and the message he wanted to convey.

Keyweemotion, having already worked closely with Colin on various digital projects, was well-equipped to assist with his podcast venture. We understood Colin's brand and his vision for the podcast, which allowed us to create content that was in line with his goals.

We helped produce some of the podcast episodes, ensuring high-quality audio that would provide a pleasant listening experience for the audience. But our work didn't stop at production. We also created promotional snippets from each episode, which Colin could share on his social media platforms to attract more listeners and generate buzz for the podcast.

The launch of "The Colin Yurcisin Show" was a success. The high-quality production, coupled with the engaging content and effective promotion, attracted a substantial number of listeners. The podcast has since become a key part of Colin's digital presence, allowing him to connect with his audience on a deeper level and share his insights on Bitcoin.

The Tulum Retreat: A Transformative Experience with Colin Yurcisin

In April 2021, Colin Yurcisin hosted a transformative retreat in Tulum. This three-day event, featuring workshops on personal branding, travel, and Bitcoin, was a unique opportunity for attendees to learn directly from Colin and gain valuable insights into these areas.

Keyweemotion, a long-time partner of Colin, sponsored this event. The team at Keyweemotion created engaging promotional content for the retreat, as well as the PowerPoint presentations used in the workshops. This ensured that the event was not only well-publicized but also professionally executed, providing attendees with a high-quality learning experience.

The retreat was more than just a learning opportunity for the attendees. It was also a chance for them to connect with Colin and the Keyweemotion team on a personal level. Shahab, the owner of Keyweemotion, made a video for the guests, introducing them to Keyweemotion and its services. This presentation was well-received, leading to new client acquisitions for Keyweemotion and further growth for the company.

The Tulum retreat was a testament to Colin's expertise and his commitment to sharing his knowledge with others. It also showcased Keyweemotion's ability to create engaging content and deliver professional presentations, contributing to the overall success of the event. This experience further strengthened the partnership between Colin and Keyweemotion, demonstrating their shared commitment to education and growth.

The Birth of 'Leveraged Lifestyle': A Milestone Partnership Between Colin Yurcisin and Brad Lea

In the summer of 2021, Colin Yurcisin shared some exciting news with Keyweemotion. He was partnering with Brad Lea and his company, Lightspeed TV, to produce a new program called "Leveraged Lifestyle". This program was designed to teach people how to leverage their lifestyle for success, and one of the key sections was on personal branding.

Colin recognized the value that Keyweemotion had brought to his personal brand and wanted to bring that expertise to "Leveraged Lifestyle". He invited Keyweemotion to create a section on "how to produce quality content", providing an overview of the work they had done together and demonstrating the power of content and hard work.

This was a huge opportunity for us. Not only would they be contributing to a high-profile program, but we would also have the chance to reach a larger audience and showcase our expertise in content creation and personal branding.

we immediately got to work, creating educational content for the course and designing a new logo and logo animations for "Leveraged Lifestyle". The team was excited about this opportunity and committed to delivering high-quality content that would add value to the program and its participants.

The launch of "Leveraged Lifestyle" was a milestone in the partnership between Colin and Keyweemotion. It showcased the power of strategic partnerships and the impact they can have on business growth and success. This experience further solidified Keyweemotion's reputation as a leading provider of creative digital services, capable of delivering high-quality content that resonates with audiences and drives results.

Mining Success: The Creation and Evolution of 'Leveraged Mining' with Colin Yurcisin and Keyweemotion

In late 2021, as Bitcoin was making headlines, Colin Yurcisin identified an opportunity to help people earn passive income through Bitcoin mining. This led to the birth of 'Leveraged Mining', a company dedicated to making Bitcoin mining accessible and profitable.

Colin turned to Keyweemotion for the creation of a logo that would encapsulate the essence of 'Leveraged Mining'. The team at Keyweemotion rose to the challenge, creating a logo that not only met Colin's expectations but exceeded them. The logo perfectly represented the innovative and forward-thinking nature of 'Leveraged Mining'.

But Keyweemotion's involvement didn't stop at the logo. They also created custom GIFs and a presentation to help Colin attract clients to 'Leveraged Mining'. These creative assets played a crucial role in establishing 'Leveraged Mining's brand identity and attracting its initial client base.

Fast forward to two years later, 'Leveraged Mining' is ready to take its services to the next level. Colin plans to create an app that allows clients to monitor their passive income from Bitcoin mining. And once again, he has turned to Keyweemotion to make this vision a reality.

Each of these challenges was an opportunity for us to innovate, adapt, and grow. Our collaboration with Colin was instrumental in turning these challenges into stepping stones towards success. Today, Colin stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the magic of effective storytelling, a multi-millionaire entrepreneur with a personal brand that inspires and educates thousands."


In the face of adversity, Colin Yurcisin and our team turned challenges into opportunities, resulting in remarkable growth and success. Here are the key results of our collaboration:

  1. Personal Brand Growth: Since Colin began his journey in 2019, his personal brand has seen exponential growth. From an unknown name in the digital space, Colin has become a recognized figure in the credit repair industry. His Instagram and YouTube channels have amassed a significant following, with his engaging and informative content resonating with a wide audience.

  2. Successful Online Product: Colin's online product, "Credit Class", and its subsequent evolution into "Leveraged Lifestyle", have been a resounding success. The promotional materials we created played a crucial role in attracting customers and communicating the value of his course. The course has sold thousands of copies, contributing significantly to Colin's financial success.

  3. Financial Growth: Perhaps the most impressive result of our collaboration is Colin's financial transformation. From being $50k in debt, Colin has become a multi-millionaire, owning multiple businesses and enjoying multiple streams of income.

  4. Positive Client Feedback: Throughout our collaboration, Colin's reactions to our work have been overwhelmingly positive. His exclamations of "WOW!!!" "THIS IS SICK" "AMAZING!!" serve as testimonials to the quality of our work and the value we brought to his personal brand and business.

  5. Ongoing Partnership: Our partnership with Colin continues to this day, with current projects including the creation of an app for one of his businesses. This ongoing relationship is a testament to the trust and mutual respect we've built over the years.

These results paint a picture of a successful partnership that has not only helped Colin overcome his initial challenges but also set him on a path to continued success and growth.


The story of Colin Yurcisin is a compelling narrative of resilience, innovation, and success. From being $50k in debt to becoming a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, Colin's journey is a testament to the power of a strong personal brand and the magic of effective storytelling. Our collaboration with Colin has been instrumental in this transformation, providing the digital and creative expertise that turned his vision into reality. We were by his side every step of the way, complementing his skills in sales and marketing with our expertise in content creation, video editing, and creative services. As we reflect on this journey, we are filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Colin, creating more success stories, and inspiring more entrepreneurs to embark on their own journey of transformation.

Today, our partnership with Colin is entering a new phase. At Keyweemotion, we have expanded our services to tackle bigger challenges in Colin's business. We are now involved in the UI & UX design of his website and application, a crucial step in scaling his business. Our role has evolved to include more tech-intensive tasks, but our commitment to being Colin's number one digital partner remains unwavering. We look forward to continuing our journey with Colin, creating more success stories, and inspiring more entrepreneurs to embark on their own journey of transformation.


Personal Branding


Colin Yurcisin


5 Years















